What is Babymoon and why do I want to go on one ?

I’ve been recently introduced to the term or the concept of babymoon. At first, I thought it’s just another colloquial term but out of curiosity, I checked its meaning in few dictionaries like Merriam-webster, Cambridge & Oxford. And I realized that it’s a real word with two meanings: “1) a trip, vacation, holiday taken by a couple shortly before the birth of a child, 2) a period for parents to spend alone with their new child soon after the child’s birth”. 

Now I asked myself, do I want to go on a babymoon before the baby arrives? my answer is, “Yesssss”. And I have my reasons: 

Because travelling makes me happy

I and my hubby are bitten by the wanderlust bug. We find excuses to go out and be close to nature daily – Honey, I am bored let’s go for a walk in the black forest, Oh nooo, I ate too much, do you wanna walk Virginia water trail again? Wow, we woke up early today, let’s go find deers in deer park? (Word of advice – don’t go too close to them, in case she is a protective new mom). And if it’s a weekend, a long weekend or holiday, world is our oyster. In short, being out and about makes me happy and then everyone says you should stay happy when you are pregnant, it’s good for baby ( I love this excuse!). 

Because physically now I can

The last few months were crazy and I couldn’t leave my room to forget about leaving the house. I was distressed by horrible nausea, frequent headaches, continuous exhaustion, super sensitive and tender breast, tummy cramps, and to top it all, that annoying salivation. And who said you enjoy food during pregnancy, no you don’t because everything stinks even your favourite dish. I survived that phase of pregnancy mainly on banana and oranges and Pregnacare (pregnancy supplement suggested by my GP) and cold water. 

Somehow I survived that phase and all that is behind me now. I can think of going somewhere nice and have some good time with hubby. We have done our first scan and I got a green signal from my midwife too. (it’s important, do talk to your GP or midwife) I feel healthy and stronger and my sense of smell doesn’t throw me off the board anymore.

Because the change in scenery can be rejuvenating 

That ordeal of first-trimester and being housebound for most of the time has taken it’s toll on me. I feel low and dull. And this daily routine is so boring. I need to break out of this daily-grind and re-energize myself. It’s important for my mental and spiritual health. I want to feel positive about myself, my health and this precious period of pregnancy. 

Because it’s time to rekindle those flames 

My hubby has been a good support during my first trimester. He was taking care of everything in our life while I was trying to pull myself together. And as life was happening to us, other things become a priority and our relationship went backstage. That doesn’t sound good to me, so it’s time to set our priorities straight. And I believe this can be easily sorted with a good conversation, little love, and a big smile. Fresh air is just cherry on the cake. 

Because I need to gain my strength back 

I have lost quite a bit of weight during the first trimester. My workout was next to nothing, if at all. My muscles feel weak. Last week I couldn’t finish a simple 20 minutes session of pregnancy workout. Going somewhere nice will motivate me to walk more and gradually gain my strength back. When I am physically active I tend to drink more water, eat more food and my digestion gets better. I believe it works the same way for most of us. All I have to do is eat healthy when travelling.

Because it’s winter in the UK

If you don’t know, winters in the UK can be challenging, particularly if it’s your first (Yes, it’s my first winter in the UK). It is cold, wet and windy. And to make you feel more miserable, the sun goes on a long strike, doesn’t appear for days. You look out of the window and tell yourself, noway I am going out there. Now you are pacing around your small apartment and thinking, if I can go somewhere better for a few days. Anything will do – No wind, dry roads, some sunlight, oceanview, fresh air, etc. 

Last but not least! 

Being a first-time mom or dad has its challenges. Often, you find yourself comparing your current freedom with up-coming responsibilities. For instance – once you have a baby, you can’t just get up, go to the gym, take a shower, grab your smoothie and run to work. Now you have a kid to get ready, feed and drop to the childcare. You can’t even go to the after-work office party because you have to pick up your kid. If you have back to back important meetings and your childcare called you to pick up your child because they are not well. I can’t even think of accepting job offers that require travelling ( which is very common in my line of work). Do I have to change my line of work? At this stage, your financial need will increase but it would be a real challenge to climb up the ladder in professional life. 

And personal life will also change – I had to plan my family dinners, date nights, spa days, get-togethers with friends well in advance (if I still have them). I won’t be able to sleep in just because it is Saturday. You can’t even go on holiday on a whim, you need to plan them. Will I be able to hike again? Most of the destinations may not be suitable for parents with young kids. 

As much as I am excited about having a baby, those depressing thoughts of losing my lifestyle pulls me down. I know that once the baby arrives we will find our footing again as many parents do. However, I need to clear my mind and think about all these scenarios in a more positive way. Going away may give us time and opportunity to prepare us for our next adventure into parenthood. 

Again, Do I want to go on a babymoon? 

YES, I DO. It is important for my physical, mental and emotional health. It is good for my relationship. And it will prepare me for the coming days. It doesn’t have to be an expensive or luxurious one. A humble staycation surrounded by nature will do the job for me and my hubby. We have our budget and there are plenty of places where we can go and have a good time together. 

That’s how I feel now. I will share my experiences in another post when I am back. 

Happy reading!

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