Top four DIY treatments for extremely dry hair

Top four DIY treatments for extremely dry hair

Simple treatments for luxurious shiny hair

I have struggled with dry hair all my life. I used to live in a dry and hot climate, and there was no escape from the hot sun and dry air. So I had to learn to protect and revive my hair. I have shared eleven tips for healthy hair in my previous post. However, sometimes your hair needs something extra, a topical treatment. I have covered those magical hair masks in this post. 

These are my tried and tested super moisturizing hair masks that will bring your dry, frizzy and damaged hair back to life. 

Try first to thank me later. 

Adjust quantities as per your hair length. Just maintain the proportions of ingredients. 

Let’s see how to make these masks: 

1. Aloe vera and argon oil

Let’s start with my favourite one because it’s the easiest.  

Mix an equal amount of pure aloe vera gel and argon oil in a bowl. Your first mask is ready. Yup, it’s that simple. Just apply in your hair and let it absorb for 30-40 minutes. Wash it off and you are good to go. This is something that you can use on regular basis.  You can use olive oil or coconut oil instead of argon oil.

Also, you can make a leave-in conditioner with these two ingredients

Take a spray bottle, add 1/2 cup water, one tsp aloe vera gel and a few drops of coconut oil. Put back the lid on and shake it well. When it looks like cloudy water. It’s ready. Spray in your hair as and when you need to tame that frizzy hair and shine is a bonus. 

2. Yogurt, honey and banana hair mask 

Blend a small ripe banana, two tbsp of full cream yogurt and one tbsp of honey to a smooth consistency. Your second mask is ready. I suggest blending it because banana lumps in the hair are no fun. The fine paste will be easier to apply and wash off. Use it when you need to hydrate your dull and dry locks.  

3. Rice, coconut milk and oil mask: 

Blend 4 tbsp boiled rice, four tbsp coconut milk and 2 tbsp of oil together to a creamy smooth consistency. I use coconut oil or olive oil. You can try any oil that suits you the best. Again blend it to a fine paste for best results. Use it when your hair needs luxurious shine and lustre. 

4. Flex seeds gel mask 

This last one is a bit tricky and a lot messier. But it’s SOOO worth it. And you can make it in a batch and use it for two or three weeks. 

Boil 1/4 cup of whole flax seeds in 3.5 cups of water for 3-4 minutes. Let it cool down and strain it through a cheesecloth. No, strainers won’t work. Because it has a super thick consistency. You need to get your hands dirty. Use cheesecloth and squeeze out all that gooey goodness. Thanks to all the nutrients in flex seeds, this mask can repair damaged hair, add shine and improve hair growth. 

Application process 

I would say the mask application is a messy process. I apply a hair mask with my fingers all over my hair. Then wrap hair in a bun and cover them with a shower cap. Leave in the mask for an hour or so and then wash your hair well with a gentle shampoo. 

Don’t use too much shampoo to wash your hair. Instead, use this trick. Take a cup, dilute a little bit of shampoo in some water. Pour all over your hair and gently rub it in with your fingers to make lathers. You won’t see many lathers the first time. That’s ok, Just rinse it off. Follow the same process again and there will be enough lathers to clean your hair properly. 

Hair care tips

Following advice might sound very repetitive, but crucial for maintaining healthy hair:

  1. Do not use hot water on your hair. Coldwater is the best for hair. 
  2. Do not comb wet hair. They are weak when wet. Let them dry.
  3. Choose a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle your hair. Fine brush will pull out more hair. 
  4. Reduce use of hot blow dryer, let them dry naturally
  5. Hair colours have damaging chemicals, use less frequently. 
  6. Give yourself a gentle head massage before going to bed. It will increase the blood circulation in your hair and help you sleep better. 
  7. Less is more. Use fewer hair products to get more benefits. 
  8. If you are healthy from the inside, it will show outside. Eat well, stay hydrated. 

Did I miss anything? Do let me know in the comments. 

Stay happy and healthy 


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