positive mother and daughter with suitcase in airport corridor

Top five tips to fly with toddlers

My top five tips to help you not only survive a flight with a toddler but have you saying “that was so much better than I expected”.

1. Fly at bedtime

In the evening, toddler can enjoy the novelty of the airport, going up and escalators, all the interesting shops etc. A fun filled walk to the boarding gate should exhaust them. After boarding, dinner can be a great distraction for a while. Then the lights are lowered and most toddlers seem to take the hint and sleep quite well. In case not, There are some kid-friendly videos on everyflight, so that you’ve another potential time-passer until they sleep.

2. Use comforter and favourite rhymes to keep them calm

Comforter makes it easier for a small child to get cosy. All shiny dazzling lights and loud crowded airport can overwhelm some kids. Comforters are like home away from home. Having something in hand that make sense to them.

On top of that you can drown outside noises with their favourite rhymes.

3. Pack plenty of snacks to keep them busy

Food options available in the plane might not be very appealing to your child. It’s best to pack snacks that your kid will enjoy. Carry plenty of snacks to keep them busy, full and entertained.

What is in our snack box?

4. Feed them at the time of takeoff and landing

It’s not always possible but if you can hold off feeding your toddler until takeoff or landing, it will serve them well. During takeoff and landing change in cabin air pressure causes ear discomfort. Swallowing action from feedings can open your kid’s ear and equalize the pressure, easing pain. No discomfort, no crying. 

Staying hydrated also helps. Keep bottle in their reach. best place is the pockets in front of their seat.

5. Keep changing bag next to you

Once boarded, most probably you will need something from the toddler bag every 10 minutes. Have mercy on yourself and keep the bag next to you. Probably under the front chair. So that you have easy access to food, wipes, toys, blanket, iPad, moisturiser and everything else they might need.

These are my top five tips for a better flying experience with toddlers. What works better for your family? Do let me know in the comments.

Safe travels


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