Eleven tips to manage postpartum hair fall

Around 3 months postpartum, new mums experience unusual hair fall. During pregnancy increased hormone levels in our body improve hair quality and reduces hair fall. After pregnancy when hormones and blood volume falls significantly that can be responsible for increased hair fall. You can also blame sleep deprivation, stress and anxiety during the first few months postpartum. The midwife will tell you it’s common and temporary. Things will return to normal within 6 to 12 months. This might sound like a very long time to save your beautiful hair. So here are my top tips to minimise the damage and speed up hair growth.

1. Nourish your body

When it comes to hair care, usually people think of hair products. They miss the fact that If you are well-nourished it will reflect in your skin, hair, nails, and overall energy levels. I would suggest, start with your diet and nourish yourself inside out. Take a healthy diet with lots of proteins, dark leafy vegetables and berries to maintain hair growth. Iron deficiency can also lead to hair fall. Have iron-rich foods with vitamin C rich fruits and vegetable, because vitamin C will help in iron absorption. Selenium and zinc also help in hair growth, therefore add nuts and seeds in your diet. Brazil nuts are a very good source of selenium. Unhulled sesame seeds and activated pumpkin seeds are good sources of zinc and iron. Fish, eggs and lean meat also part of a healthy diet. My best tip for new moms is stock up on healthy snacks for at least first few months postpartum.

2. Take supplements

Having one good meal a day won’t help, you have to eat well throughout the day and every day for a long period of time after childbirth. However, once you have your baby, you might not have the time and energy to make yourself wholesome meals all the time. If you are breastfeeding your nutrient requirements are very high. Taking supplements is the best way to ensure regular nutrient supply. Biotin, omega 3, fish oils are usually suggested for hair growth, however, you should consult your GPs before taking any supplements particularly if you are a breastfeeding mom.

3. Hydrate

An adult human body contains 60% of water and blood is about 90% of water. Water is essential for all bodily functions, including absorption of nutrients, flushing out toxins and moisturising skin and hair. If you are a breastfeeding mom then you need extra fluids to stay healthy and maintain milk supply for your baby. I can keep going for hours and still not finish writing why water is so important for you. So just take this old-age advice and keep yourself well hydrated.

4. Keep manageable hair length

Long hair needs extra care and attention. Once you have a baby, you will have less time to spend on your long locks. Also, long hair tends to tangle more and pull out when combing. For time being, its a good idea to reduce the length of your hair. Short hair will be quick to massage, wash, dry and style. It depends on you, how short will be convenient for you. I suggest getting a nice hairstyle before baby arrives.

5. Select right hair products

During the pregnancy, your skin and hair type changes a lot. You might have a very dry or oily scalp. Choose basic hair products according to your hair type. Dry hair will need shampoo and conditioner with moisturising properties. Whereas oily hair will need something that can wash off excess oil without causing any damage. Even if you have normal hair type, select something natural without any harsh chemicals in them. I have dry hair and I have used coconut oil and argan oil-based hair masks to bring shine and lustre in my hair.

6. Keep hair clean but don’t overdo it

It’s very important to keep your scalp and hair clean. The dirty hair follicle will get clogged and increased hair fall. However, washing them too often will wash off natural essential oils from the hair, making them dry and brittle. It’s important to find a right balance. That may vary person to person. If you have oily hair and live in a hot humid environment with lots for exposure to dirt and sweat. You may choose to clean your hair every alternative day with a mild shampoo with conditioner. In case you are someone like me, who live in the cold weather of the UK and least exposure to dust then washing once or twice a week would be enough. I can’t imagine a 3-month postpartum woman to sweating it out in the gym, but if you do, wash and dry your hair thoroughly afterwards. In case you are using swimming pools, it’s important to use a silicon cap or wash off all the chlorinated water after a session.

7. Protect hair when swimming

I love to swim, but I love my hair more. And I have quite dry hair that’s why before going to the pool, I massage my hair with a some argan oil or coconut oil. Then I nicely pack my hair with a well-fitted silicon cap. The warmth of the water and my body, let the oil get absorbed in the hair roots during the swimming session. After the session, I wash with a gentle shampoo followed by a conditioner. Try this if you have dry hair, you won’t be disappointed.

Applying oil also makes your hair more manageable to pack into a high bun and put on a swimming cap. Leave-in conditioner can do the job as well.

In case you don’t like to use swimming cap (which I highly recommend). Just rinse your hair before taking a dip. Because wet hair absorbs less chlorinated water. Then wash throughly after swimming to minimise the damage.

8. Protect your hair from heat and sun

Skip heat treatments such as hairdryers, hair curler and flat iron. Heat can strip off essential oils from hair and make them brittle. Weak hair will fall when wash or comb. Also, use scrunchies rather than plastic hair bands that can damage weak hair. In the harsh sunlight, protect your hair with wide-brimmed hat or scarf.

9. Be careful with hair colour

Many brands of hair colours contain harsh chemicals, that can damage your hair. Best to avoid hair colours. Otherwise, select a gentle formula and use it as per instructions. Keeping colour on hair longer than recommended can harm your hair. Also, use hair colour less frequently.

10. light scalp massage

A light scalp massage before going to the bed will increase blood flow to hair follicles and help you sleep better. Both are favours hair growth. Just run your fingers through your hair in circular motion with gentle pressure for good 10-15 minutes. Avoid using hairbrushes because they cause lots of friction and pulling. Weak and brittle hair can not stand extra pressure. It’s best to use wide bristle comb when necessary. Rather than styling your hair in a high ponytail, try loose plaits or low bun.

11. Use silk pillow

Cotton pillow covers/ cases strips moisture from hair. Dry hair gets frizzy and tangled. Which leads to more breakage. So if you have noticed more hair breakage, switch to silk pillow cases.

Finally, try not to stress too much about your hair-fall. It’s just a phase. It shall pass too. Your hair will grow back in due time. And if you consistently follow above mentioned tips you will have better hair than ever before.

For the best results, you can follow these tips throughout your pregnancy and after childbirth.

There is no quick fix for good health. Expecting drastic results within a few days will only bring disappointment. Stay calm and keep developing healthy habits. You will notice an improvement in your overall health and you will be able to flaunt your beautiful hair again.

I wish you good health and happiness!


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