A pregnant woman

The Glorious Second Trimester

Is it your week 13? If yes, then you have entered the glorious second trimester. Now you may feel the first-trimester ordeal plummeting and you are feeling like … yourself again. This is the time when you get to know the beautiful side of the pregnancy. 

Better energy levels

My nausea and hypersensitivity to smell/fragrances are getting under control. I feel much more energetic and happier now. I am not a big foodie, but for some reason, food tastes better now. Finally, I am gaining weight. 

Round ligament pain

In the second trimester, you will feel all strong or sudden movements in your belly – it can be laughing, coughing, sneezing, or if you get up quickly. The stretchy muscle pain lasts just for a second or two but it’s frequent and noticeable. And it is known as round ligament pain. The uterus is supported by a round ligament. During pregnancy, the uterus grows with a growing baby. Muscles around it stretch slowly and gradually. However, sudden movements can make these muscles stretch and contract quickly and causes round ligament pains. 

These pains made me slow down a bit and take plenty of rest. I also noticed that bending a little forward from my hips and holding my belly while laughing or sneezing, helps.  

Tingling sensation in the outer thigh

If I stand or walk for long, I feel numbness, tingling, and sometimes burning sensation in the outer thigh. Doctors call it Meralgia paresthetica or Bernhardt-Roth syndrome. It happens when a nerve, known as lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, becomes compressed due to pregnancy, tight clothing, obesity, or some hip problems. This nerve exits from the spinal cord and through hip reach thigh. Your doctor may not consider it a serious problem but it’s good to mention it to your GP or midwife. 

In my case, it started around 22nd week, when I started gaining weight. Standing or walking for long usually would trigger the cold and tingling sensation in my outer thigh. And it goes away when I take the pressure off my legs. Another reason to take plenty of rest during pregnancy. Wearing loose-fitting clothes and getting a good massage also helps. 

Motion sickness:

In the second trimester, nausea reduced significantly but motion sickness is persistent if not increased. I love going on a long drive and motion sickness takes the fun out of it. I tried several things and following tricks worked for me

  • Drive: Rather than being on the passenger seat, I prefer to drive these days. It somehow takes my mind off nausea and motion sickness when in the car. 
  • Wrist bend: It is a very controversial topic but acupressure wrist bands worked for me. 
  • Open the window a little for fresh air 
  • Eating less before the drive
  • Nibbling on dried cranberries, Cherries, Crystalized Ginger also helps. 

Sacroiliac joint (or SI) pain :

Around 24th week I noticed some pain in my right hip. I just ignored it initially, hoping it will go away itself. Contrary to my expectations, it grew gradually. Around 26th week it was strong enough to be taken seriously. I have had lower back problems in the past. So I knew its Sacroiliac joint pain or sciatica pain. SI joint pain is more common during pregnancy as the body produces hormone relaxin. This hormone loosens the ligaments and tendons in the body to make it flexible and prepare for childbirth. This increased flexibility in the SI joint means less stability. Added stress due to sitting, standing, walking for too long or with bad posture, can cause hip pain. I tried several things and the following worked for me. 

  • Maintain a good posture when sitting ( sit straight, slightly leaning forward)
  • Avoid movement that puts pressure on the belly or the lower back. Particularly be careful when getting out of the bed, recliners or car. 
  • Use pillows to support your belly and knees: You can buy a maternity pillow, I tried a few and realized using two separate pillows works better for me. One small thin pillow under my belly and a large and firm pillow between my knees. 
  • Use a lower back support belt for some stability when out and about. 
  • Warm bath 
  • Antenatal and Reflexology Massages
  • Stretch to strengthen your back muscles. I did the following exercises after my 30 minutes walk:
    1. Bridge pose: 2 repetitions 30 seconds each
    2. Butterfly pose: 1 minute 
    3. Cow pose: 2 sets of 5 repetitions
    4. Figure 4 stretch: 1 repetition, 30 seconds each 
    5. Pressing your back in the floor: for 1 minute

Changes in sleeping habits: 

After 25 months, pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. Why? because sleeping on back puts pressure on main blood vessels ( inferior vena cava) that run behind the uterus – which means slow blood circulation to you and your baby. Also somehow it feels uncomfortable. I prefer sleeping on my left side as it is suggested by many experts. but I do change sides for comfort. 

When I felt baby kicks for the first time!

I felt it in my 20th week of pregnancy. it is called quickening. I had a little baby bump by now as my uterus was moving up and outwards with a growing baby. One night when I was in bed, trying to get some sleep, I felt some flutters in my belly. It was right below my belly button. It is hard to explain that sensation with words because it felt very mild. Then It happened again and again. I said, ” I think our baby is playing inside”. My hubby, who was about to doze off, looked at me with a smile, placed his hand on my belly and said: “I can’t feel it, how do you know?” I replied, “because I never felt something like this before”. It was a very beautiful and scary sensation at the same time. Though I was somewhat confident that was the baby movement, I kept wondering if it was the baby movement until it became regular and stronger by week 24. By the end of my second trimester, they are so strong that it can make me nauseated. I don’t feel them when talking, laughing or walking around, so I just get up and walk around for a while to feel better.  

Baby bump

For many first-time moms, a baby bump starts to show around the end of the second trimester. Before that, it just looks like you are gaining weight. But now, it’s the shape of your belly that will make your next-door neighbour curious enough to ask you with a cheek to cheek smile and twinkles in her eyes, “Oooo, it looks like you have a good new for us!” do you? ( at least mine did!). 

It is surprising to me, that how much people shower love and care for a pregnant woman. Just a few days ago, The UK government has advised those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures and that include pregnant women. Since then our neighbours have been offering assistance.  

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