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Ten tips for Cough and cold in toddlers

It’s been three months since my toddler started nursery. And it feels like she is going through all the germs in the nursery. Cough, cold, fever, tummy bug, ear infection, hand and mouth diseases, chickenpox and what not. 

Cough and cold were the most terrible. Not only for my daughter but for all of us. Fever was under control with Calpol. But the runny nose was bothering her all day and the blocked nose with ratching cough kept her awake at night. In normal circumstances, no treatment is prescribed for the common cold and flu. You have to just wait it out. Calpol and saline drops are all that doctors suggest. 

I already have a post on “cough and cold remedies for adults”.

How to get rid of common cold fast and naturally.

Many of the tips and remedies suggested in this post, may not apply to toddlers and kids.

So I had to look into things that could help my toddler. So here is my list –

Clean often 

For the obvious reasons when infected, clean often – wash hands, disinfect toys, wipe surfaces, change clothes, use fresh bed linen and so on. No need to overdo it but use your best judgement. I change my shirt quite a few times a day when my baby is unwell because she sneezes and spits a lot on me. Also, I use soft cotton face towels to wipe her nose and apply an oil-based moisturiser. It keeps her skin less irritated. It’s extra work but worth it. 

DIY healing wet tissue

Take a wide mouthed sealed food containers. Add 1 cup water, 1tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp aloe vera gel and 1 drop of tea tree oil. Put the lid on and shake it well.

Soak a kitchen towels or water wipes for few seconds in this liquid. Squeeze out all the water from the tissue. Use these wet tissue to wipe nose or face. .

Use it and you will notice a huge difference.

Keep them warm

This was the first thing my mum suggested, ” When fighting infection, our body warms up for a reason. So work with it, not against it.”

Just make sure they have enough clothes on. Don’t let them play in the rain and wind. Keep bath warm and short. Offer warm food and drinks. Avoid cold wipes to bring the fever down etc.

If you want to know the science behind this point, you can read all about it in my previous post.

Most common questions related to cold and flu answered  

Offer food that helps 

Warm soups and stews relieve blocked nose (just temporarily, however, something is better than nothing).

Common spices like black pepper, turmeric, black cardamom, cinnamon are considered warm in nature (hence good for cold).

Reduce milk and dairy products as they increase inflammation and mucus.

My 15 month old still takes bottles. I just boil her milk with small black cardamom and a pinch of ginger powder. because these spices help with chest congestion and reduce inflammation in our body.

Last but not least, keep them hydrated. Our immune system works at its best when we are well-nourished and hydrated. 

Garlic oil

It is an ancient remedy.

Cook a few cloves of garlic in mustard oil until they turn brown. Cool and bottle it. Use this oil to massage the baby’s feet.

There is no particular way but to try to massage it like you are giving reflexology treatment to your baby. Make circles with your thumb on the sole of their feet.

I wonder if it’s a simple version of reflexology or garlic oil working here. 

Raw onion

This remedy has been misused and vilified during Covid paranoia.

Yes, it doesn’t protect from infections. But the smell of freshly cut onions can help you with a runny or blocked nose at night when you are trying to get some rest.

There is no scientific evidence behind this theory, it’s just an observation that has been handed down generation after generation.

Cut a medium-size red onion into three or four pieces into a bowl and keep that bowl next to the baby’s bed at night. Throw it away in the morning.

This may or may not provide some symptomatic relief. But I would try any humble and harmless remedy when we are desperate to get some shut-eye. Use your discretion. 

Ginger and honey

I think this is the most common remedy. Few drops and ginger juice with honey helps with cough and sore throat. Some people use just honey. Don’t give honey to babies though. 


Dry air makes kids more congested. A simple humidifier or vaporiser can add some moisture to the air so that your little one can breathe easy. 

Essential oils

We use essential oils in a vaporiser. Mostly, at night with a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil.

Otherwise, take few drops on a cotton pad and keep it next to the bed. I believe it makes a huge difference.


When my toddler is uncomfortable, she wants to be in my arm. And we spend lots of time on the sofa cuddling each other. It keeps her warm and comfortable.


If cuddles are not enough to comfort her, massage works like a magic. With a light hand, I massage her head, back, leg and arms.

You know how it feels when you are poorly and the whole body aches. Your toddler is going through all of that.

That’s why I offer her what I would like to receive when unwell. A good body massage. 

Verbal assurance

They might be little, but they understand much more than what you can imagine. That’s why I always talk to my daughter as if she can understand me. I say things like – “That’s ok, Mumma is here, I will care for you. I know, you are feeling uncomfortable but you will be fine. We will go through it together.” 

Sometimes I explain to her what is happening to her. ” I know, It makes you feel terrible. But the good thing is that your body is developing immunity. All kids go through these germs when they start nursery. Eventually, everything will settle down.”

I keep talking to her in a soft voice until she dozes off. 

Delegate and relax

I know it is not always possible to delegate your household responsibilities. Nonetheless, when a child gets sick, the parent gets exhausted. Your wellbeing is important. So, If possible, delegate your household work or outsource food and cleaning services. I keep a long list of contacts in my phone for such rainy days.

These are my tips. Do you have anything else to add to this list? Please share in the comments. 


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