Super seed protein balls

Recipe: Super seed protein ball

Don’t judge these super seed protein balls by the size. These tiny sweet treats are rich and nutritious. Perfect essential mineral dose for your next intense training session.

I call them, ‘post workout recovery snack’.

Don’t believe me?

Look at the mineral content in each serve

Credit: Happyforks

Omega-3 and omega-6 fats in each serve

Credit: Happyforks

If you are convinced let’s move on to the recipe.

Recipe: Super seed protein balls



Prep timeminutes
Cooking time



These quick and easy mineral rich super seed protein balls will become your family favourite post workout snack.


  • Flax seeds – 1/2 cup

  • Pumpkin seeds – 1/2 cup

  • Melon seeds – 1/2 cup

  • Whole sesame seeds – 1/2 cup

  • Pitted dates – 1 cup

  • Cocoa powder or Coconut for garnish


  • Dry roast all the seeds on medium heat for 4-5 minutes.
  • Continuously stir them to avoid burning. As soon as they are slightly toasted, take them out of the hot pan and spread them on a plate to stop further cooking.
  • Add slightly warm seeds and chopped dates to a food processor and blend them until it forms a crumbly dough.
  • Grease your palms with ghee and shape the dough into Five small balls.
  • Optional – To make it look good roll them in cocoa powder and grated coconut.
  • Enjoy these super seed protein balls!


  • Toasting increases the flavour of seeds. Also, roasted seeds release oil on grinding that helps with making balls.
  • Optional – To make it look good roll them in cocoa powder and grated coconut.

Quick and simple. isn’t it?

These wonderful tiny mineral-rich protein balls should be enjoyed in moderation. Because they are calorie and nutrient dense.

I usually make them before a big hike, to help with my energy levels and to reduce knee pains.

How to get rid of post hike knee pain for good ?

Also, Avoid dairy products with them because calcium interferes with the absorption of many minerals.

Last but not least, nothing is better than a well-balanced healthy diet.

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