Recipe: Super seed protein ball

Super seed protein balls

Don't judge these super seed protein balls by the size. These tiny sweet treats are rich and nutritious. Perfect essential mineral dose for your next intense training session. I call them, 'post workout recovery snack'. Don't believe me? Look at the mineral content in each serve Credit: Happyforks Omega-3 and omega-6 fats in each serve… Continue reading Recipe: Super seed protein ball

All you need to know about the treasure basket

All you need to know about treasure basket

And an extensive list of items for the treasure basket  Elinor Violet Goldschmied was an English educator and pioneer of treasure basket play. She believed that infants should learn by themselves, and should be given the opportunity to choose items and explore. With this in mind, in 1940 she came up with the idea of… Continue reading All you need to know about the treasure basket

The best developmental toys for 6-12 months olds

Developmental toys for 6-12 month old babies

What learning or developmental toys I should offer my baby? And why? I will try to answer these questions in this post. Average six to seven months old babies start sitting up without support. Their vision is also improved and they can see fascinating things around them from a different point of view. Soon they… Continue reading The best developmental toys for 6-12 months olds