Refrigerator full of fruits and vegetables

My refrigerator broke and I saw an opportunity

Only a broken refrigerator could put us back on healthy eating habits.

Once upon a time, we use to eat healthily. Salads, soups, stews were our main meals. Then, pregnancy cravings kicked in and our diet changed. We started eating out, lots of carbs, oily and spicy food and everything around those meals. We thought, for time being let me eat whatever I can enjoy and keep in. Everything will be back to normal after childbirth.

Once our baby arrived, we didn’t have time to sleep, bathe or breath. Forget about preparing healthy meals. In no time, our refrigerator was stocked with bread, cheese, ice cream, chocolates, ready to eat frozen foods. For a very long time, we have been trying to get back on our healthy eating habits. And miserably failed every week. Because when I am drop dead tired, I will eat whatever is available. And so did my hubby.

Several times I thought of cleaning up my kitchen and keep only healthy items. But couldn’t conjure up free time or should I say a strong will to do so.

Finally, on our baby’s first birthday evening our refrigerator broke. In hindsight, It was necessary damage.

When we noticed our refrigerator is not working. We made every effort to get it fixed and failed. So, we had to buy a new one and it took about 3-4 days to arrive.

We had to empty the refrigerator as soon as possible otherwise food will spoil and stink. We used, donated and shared whatever we could. Rest went to the bin. It took us just a few hours to do what we were trying for the whole year .

While I was in that “disposing off mode”, I cleaned up the whole kitchen, everything unhealthy or unnecessary were brutaly kicked out of our kitchen.

Expensive? Yes!

Lots of wastage? Yes!

Much needed? Yes!

Now we have a new refrigerator, full of fresh vegetables. And we have no processed or junk food in our kitchen. I believe we are back on the track. Now the bigger challenge is to maintain these healthy eating habits. Somewhere I read, If you can keep up something for three weeks, it should become a habit. And if you can keep going for ninety days, then it should become a permanent lifestyle change.

Damage of almost 1.5 year can be recovered in just 4 months. Not a bad deal at all. What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

And wish me good luck!


Update: it’s been six months and our no junk food policy is still in place. Only one change, we are allowing each other to keep only one small pack of anything we like, in the house.

Usually my choice is Choceur Dark Hazelnut Chocolate. umm yum. And my hubby likes this Haldiram’s Plain Bhujia. Home deliveries are reduced to minimum and eating out is limited to weekends only.

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