Must-watch Movies During Pregnancy  

Regardless of your movie preferences, it’s advisable to steer clear of horror, thriller and extremely sad movies during pregnancy as they can be unsettling and potentially stressful for expectant mothers. Instead, opt for lighthearted comedies or uplifting dramas.

During pregnancy, enjoying happy and positive movies can be an excellent way to keep anxiety and racing thoughts at bay. These films offer a much-needed serotonin boost when you’re feeling low or emotional. My journey started with pregnancy-related educational documentaries, like 

“The Beginning of Life” (2016), 

“40 Weeks” (2014), and 

“Babies” (2010). 

These movies during pregnancy provided valuable knowledge and helped prepare me mentally for the journey into parenthood. However, there came a time when I needed something lighter and more joyful. Watching upbeat and positive movies during pregnancy can be a fantastic way to manage anxiety and quiet your mind chatter. They offer that perfect dose of positivity. Here’s my list of movies that I enjoyed during my pregnancy and wholeheartedly recommend to you as well.

The Switch (2010) 

This romantic comedy stars Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman. It tells the story of a woman who decides to become a single mother using artificial insemination and the unexpected twist (love) that follows.

The Back-Up Plan (2010) 

Starring Jennifer Lopez and Alex O’Loughlin, this romantic comedy revolves around a woman who, after deciding to have a child through artificial insemination, meets the man of her dreams on the very same day.

Three Men and a Baby (1987) 

A heartwarming comedy featuring Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson as three bachelors who find themselves taking care of a baby left on their doorstep.

Junior (1994) 

A comedic take on pregnancy starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a male scientist who becomes the first pregnant man.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting (2012) 

An ensemble romantic comedy that weaves together the stories of several couples as they navigate the challenges and joys of pregnancy and parenthood.

Nine Months (1995) 

A comedy featuring Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore, it portrays a man’s journey through the ups and downs of impending fatherhood.

Neighbors (2014) 

A comedy starring Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne as new parents who must navigate the wild antics of the fraternity next door.

Baby Boom (1987) 

A comedy-drama starring Diane Keaton as a career-driven woman who unexpectedly becomes a mother and navigates the challenges of parenthood.

Away We Go (2009) 

A heartwarming and humorous film following a couple (played by John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph) on a road trip to find the perfect place to raise their child.

Knocked Up (2007) 

A comedy starring Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl, telling the story of an unexpected pregnancy and the challenges and humour that come with it.

The Pursuit of Happiness (2006)

A biographical drama featuring Will Smith, based on the true story of Chris Gardner, who faces homelessness while trying to build a better future for his son. Not a pregnancy movie but a really good one to watch.

Due Date (2010)

A comedy starring Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis, where an expectant father’s cross-country journey to make it to his child’s birth turns into a chaotic adventure.

These are my favourite pregnancy movies that offer a mix of humour, drama, and heartwarming moments, each with its own take on the journey of parenthood and the ups and downs that come with it.

I want to highlight that there are some movies on this list that I had watched before, back when I wasn’t married or pregnant. During that time, I couldn’t quite relate to them. However, watching these films during pregnancy or after becoming parents has been an entirely different experience. This time around, I absolutely loved them. So, my advice is not to solely rely on IMDb movie ratings. Give them a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Now there are other recommended movies, but I personally didn’t find enjoyment in them. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s taste in movies is highly subjective, so feel free to form your own opinion.

  1. Juno (2007)
  2. Baby Mama (2008)
  3. Waitress (2007)
  4. The Business of Being Born (2008)
  5. Look who is talking (1989)
  6. father of the bride part 2 (1995)
  7. Parenthood (1989)
  8. Baby’s day out (1994)

That’s all I have in my list of must-watch movies during pregnancy. If you get a chance to watch any of these movies, please do share your thoughts in the comments. Feel free to also recommend your favourite films that I can check out.



7 At-Home Movie Date Night ideas

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