Morning Sickness Remedies: 13 Effective Ways to Ease Nausea

Pregnancy is an incredible journey filled with excitement and anticipation as you await the arrival of your ‘bundle of joy’. However, the path to motherhood could be challenging. And one of those challenges is morning sickness. 

If you are suffering from this pregnancy woe, take heart, you are not alone in this. Morning sickness affects approximately 70-80% of pregnant women. And it can vary from feeling a bit queasy to excessive nausea and vomiting also called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). By the way, HG can cause dehydration and malnourishment. Therefore, it requires medical attention. 

Also, despite its name, Morning sickness can strike any time of the day. Or you can feel nauseated all day long. All thanks to your soaring pregnancy hormones. 

It can start anywhere from 4 to 9 weeks of pregnancy and most women feel better as they progress into their second trimester.

However, some struggle with nausea through out their pregnancy. I was one of them. That’s why I had to learn ways to deal with morning queasiness to survive my both pregnancies. 

In this blog post, we’ll share practical tips to help you manage and alleviate morning sickness symptoms naturally.

1. Rest 

Tiredness and exhaustion can make nausea worse. So take frequent breaks and rest as much as you can to feel better. 

2. Chilled water

Keep some chilled water in a sipper handy and slowly take a few sips now and then. This will keep you hydrated and wash down that metallic build up in your mouth 

3. Eating small and frequent snacks

Hunger can aggravate nausea. It’s kind of a vicious cycle – because you are nauseated you can’t eat anything. And when you are hungry you will feel more nauseated. So the trick was to eat small portions of healthy carbohydrate-rich foods (such as a small banana, corn thins, plain popcorn, puffed rice etc.) throughout the day. But avoid heavy, greasy and processed foods. They may offer some temporary relief but make you feel worse later on.

4. Lemon

Adding lemon to your water or food will make it more palatable. Homemade lemonade is another lifesaver. 

5. Ginger

Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties. Have ginger cookies first thing in the morning. or keep some candied/crystallized ginger with you at work. If out and about with friends order gingerale. I also had my homemade ginger lemon shots and they were great too. 

6. Apples and Oranges

Eating food is the biggest challenge in the first-trimester. Eat small portions and snack as and when you can. Eating citrus fruits such as chilled apples and oranges (those peeling oranges) can also help. They are particularly helpful with motion sickness. 

7. Banana

A banana with a few walnuts and some rice thins is a great snack that will stay put in your tummy. Do try. 

8. Yoghurt and kefir

Sour and sweet yoghurt and Keifer drinks can help as well and probiotics are good for your tummy. Food is not one of life’s pleasures anymore when morning sickness strikes, it’s more of a task. So anything good that you can put in your stomach is a success.

9. Feel-good food

Now this one is based on personal experiences. There are some dishes that I grew up eating but they are not part of my regular diet anymore. Just the change in food habits. However, whenever I get to enjoy them, I feel happy. During the first trimester, nausea and a heightened sense of smell brutally killed my interest in food. On my worst days, I would go the whole day without food. When my brother got to know about my pregnancy, he made me something that I used to relish as a child. I not only enjoyed it but also didn’t get sick after eating. That’s when I started digging a bit deeper into my memories and recovered those childhood favourites such as Tomato salad, lemon corn, sweet potato chat (street food), yoghurt with cucumber and mint etc. What is your childhood favourite food?

10. Keeping busy

Sometimes distraction is all you need. especially after eating something. Reading a captivating book, watching a movie or just calling a friend. Anything that can help me focus my attention on something else than my nausea. 

11. Fresh air

Let nature do its magic. Go out in a park or somewhere close to nature. Cool breeze on your face, fresh air in your lungs, music of nature in your ears everything helps. 

12. Avoid strong smell

Sometimes the strong smell of food or cosmetics can trigger nausea. Observing what smells put you off will help you avoid them. If you are suffering from hyperosmia please read my 6 tips to manage the heightened sense of smell

13. Acupressure

Some women swear by acupressure wrist bands to get relief from morning sickness as they apply pressure to specific acupressure points on the wrist. 

Bottom line

Things that worked for me may not work for you, it’s all about staying positive and trying different things to figure out what helps you feel better. With some time and lots of experiments, you will learn to manage your morning sickness. 

By the way, congratulations! on this beautiful chapter of your life. May your pregnancy be filled with joy, good health, and endless love. 


How to ride out the first trimester of pregnancy

6 tips to manage the heightened sense of smell

The glorious second trimester

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