Your Essential Third-trimester To-do List

Expecting Mom

Welcome to the thrilling final stretch of your pregnancy journey!  With your due date approaching, it's essential to stay organized and prepared to ensure a smooth transition into motherhood.  In this blog post, I'll guide you through your essential pregnancy to-do list for the third trimester, covering everything from preparing for your baby's arrival to… Continue reading Your Essential Third-trimester To-do List

7 Ways to Assist New Moms in Their Postpartum Recovery

New mom holding newborn

Welcoming a new life into the world is a beautiful, life-altering experience, also it is a period of immense physical and emotional change, for new moms.  During this crucial phase, the well-being of a new mom is crucial, as it directly impacts her ability to care for her newborn and her overall health.  In this… Continue reading 7 Ways to Assist New Moms in Their Postpartum Recovery

Eleven tips to manage postpartum hair fall

Around 3 months postpartum, new mums experience unusual hair fall. During pregnancy increased hormone levels in our body improve hair quality and reduces hair fall. After pregnancy when hormones and blood volume falls significantly that can be responsible for increased hair fall. You can also blame sleep deprivation, stress and anxiety during the first few… Continue reading Eleven tips to manage postpartum hair fall

How to manage the challenges of the third trimester?

pregnant woman wearing yellow floral dress standing while touching her tummy and facing her right side near brown field during daytime

If you are in week 28, you have made it to your third trimester. It starts from 28th week and finishes at 40th week. Most of you should have your baby in your arms around the end of the third trimester. But some women take a bit longer and go into labour in 41 or… Continue reading How to manage the challenges of the third trimester?

Skin exfoliating and lightening remedies to reduce the appearance of pregnancy mask (Melasma)

Dark brown patches of Melasma can appear anywhere on the body and usually they are harmless. However, they are particularly bothersome to some women when dark patches start appearing on their face. This condition is also known as chloasma or pregnancy mask. They are caused by a steep rise in estrogen and progesterone levels in… Continue reading Skin exfoliating and lightening remedies to reduce the appearance of pregnancy mask (Melasma)