Early Pregnancy Tips You'll Be Grateful to Know"

21 Essential Early Pregnancy Tips You’d Wish You’d Known

Pregnancy is a remarkable and transformative journey for women. While it’s a period filled with excitement and anticipation, it can also be accompanied by a range of physical and emotional changes. Many women find themselves wishing they had known more about what to expect and what to do. In this blog post, we will explore some valuable early pregnancy tips that can help you prepare for your journey ahead.

1. You may have already scheduled your initial antenatal appointment. If not, consider doing so. Your first appointment will provide you with a wealth of information, but there’s no need to be anxious. You’ll have ample time to absorb and learn everything you need to know.

2. Do take note of all the services you should receive as a pregnant woman. 

3. Remember to drink water and stay adequately hydrated on the days when you have blood tests scheduled, as it makes it easier to draw blood samples.

4. Start taking your pregnancy supplements. And if you experience discomfort during the day, consider taking them before bedtime.

5. Early pregnancy symptoms can be quite challenging, but remember they are manageable. Don’t endure unnecessary discomfort; seek assistance and information from reliable sources.

6. Dedicate quality time to your partner or family because life is bound to become significantly busier once the baby arrives, and your primary focus will naturally shift towards baby care. Enjoy moments like going on dates, organizing dinners, or watching movies in the cinema together while you can.

7. Spend time socializing and catching up with your friends before entering your postpartum hibernation period with your precious newborn. Many new mothers choose to stay home and focus on rest during their postpartum period.

8. Start pelvic floor exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles. If these muscles become weak, this can cause incontinence. Exercising the pelvic floor muscles can prevent this issue.

9. Think about when and how to announce your pregnancy. Most women choose to announce their pregnancy at the end of their first trimester. 

10. Be mindful of your skin and hair care routine; the renowned “pregnancy glow” is real, so embrace and enhance it.

11. If this is your first pregnancy, consider enrolling in antenatal classes; they provide valuable information to help prepare you for the journey into motherhood. 

12. Consider becoming a part of a local moms’ group, as having friends who are also new mothers can be incredibly valuable during this new chapter of your life.

13. Relax, rest, and make the most of your sleep while you still have the chance. We often underestimate the importance of sleep in our lives, but it will become a precious luxury once you embark on the journey of motherhood. 

14. Yes, you can sleep on your stomach, this is not recommended when you have a baby bump. Do it while you can! Lol.

15. If you are currently employed, familiarise yourself with your workplace’s maternity policy. Determine when you should inform your supervisor about your pregnancy, ascertain the duration of your paid maternity leave, and understand the eligibility criteria, is there any required duration of employment to receive this benefit?

16. Organise your finances in preparation for the baby’s arrival. As your expenses will naturally increase with the addition of a baby, consider budgeting for essential baby items, nursery preparations, and potential childcare costs. How do you plan to manage this financial transition?

17. Start saving for postpartum support – hiring domestic help for cleaning, organising ready-to-eat food, postpartum massages, chiropractors etc.  

18. Maintain a healthy diet, but there’s no need to eat as if you’re eating for two. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications.

 19. Guard Against the “Bounceback Culture”: Embrace a More Natural Postpartum Journey – In today’s modern world, there’s a pervasive celebration of women who seemingly “bounce back” quickly after giving birth. However, it’s vital to recognize that this trend isn’t natural or healthy for most women. The process of bringing a new life into this world demands a lot from your body, and it’s entirely normal for it to take time to heal and recover. So, how will you prioritize and safeguard your mental and physical well-being during this crucial time?

20. Educate yourself, but avoid becoming consumed by it. There’s a tendency to overburden yourself with knowledge in the pursuit of being a perfect mother. However, it’s important to remember that perfection in motherhood is an unattainable ideal. Parenting is an evolving journey, and you’ll experience a steep learning curve as you progress, growing and improving each day.

21. While a holiday might not be your top priority right now, it’s a good idea to start considering your babymoon. Typically, around the 14th week as you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself feeling better and more energetic. This can be an ideal time to plan and enjoy some quality time with your partner.

By understanding what to expect and implementing these early pregnancy tips, you can enhance your well-being and prepare yourself for the exciting journey of motherhood. Remember that each pregnancy is unique, so consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and care throughout this remarkable time in your life.

Good luck


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