20 tips to plan a perfect baby-moon

20 Tips to Plan a Perfect Baby-moon

In continuation to my previous post, why would-be-parents should take a baby-moon break ?

In this post, I am sharing my top tips to plan a wonderful baby-moon. 

So without further adieu lets dive right into it. 

  1. Discuss with your doctor before going on your babymoon. 
    1. When you will be going away? 
    2. if there are any appointments due during that time
    3. How long will you be away?
    4. Where are you going? Avoid countries/places with health concerns. Your doctor should be able to help you with this. 
    5. Any health concerns
    6. What medications you should pack?
  2. Plan between 4-6 months when nausea is a bit better, your energy levels improve, and it’s not too late in pregnancy to travel.  
  3. Go close to nature (coastal towns, national parks, Scenic villages). because in nature we
    1. Feel happier
    2. Concentrate better
    3. Reduces stress and anxiety 
  4. Take time to focus on self-care – hair care, skin care, mindfulness and meditation. Whatever you need. 
  5. Most mums eat what they can keep down in the first trimester. Usually salty crackers, potato chips, biscuits etc. Babymoon is a great time to get back to your healthy eating habit. Make mindful choices. 
  6. Walking and exercising are so important during pregnancy. Stay active but don’t pack too many activities in a day. Listen to your body.
  7. Stay hydrated – many pregnancy symptoms get better by just drinking water. 
  8.  Don’t waste too much time travelling. The purpose is to relax and recuperate. Short-distance flights and short road trips are the best. 
  9. If flying or on road trip, put on compression socks, stay hydrated and walk around every hour or two.
  10. Wear and pack your most comfy shoes and clothes. Also, pack light. 
  11. Avoid high altitudes where its hard to breath
  12. If going away, choose places with pleasant weather– not too hot, cold or rainy 
  13. Don’t overspend – stick to your budget. You will need money in the coming months. 
  14. It is easier to get constipated during pregnancy. Travelling can double the chances. Eat healthily, and stay hydrated. If need be take constipation relief medication recommended by your doctor. 
  15. Your destination should have easy access to drinking water and clean toilets.
  16. During pregnancy skin gets sensitive. Use sunscreen before going out. Keep your hat and sunglasses with you. You can also use aloe vera gel in the evening to soothe sunburnt skin. 
  17. Don’t rush during the babymoon. Wake up when you can, do some stretches, drink water, follow your skincare routine, get ready for the day, have a healthy breakfast and then head out. 
  18. When out and about with your partner focus on enjoying a deeply intimate conversation. Discuss future. Refine your parenting plans. 
  19. Take cute pregnancy photos for memories. 
  20. Avoid adventure sports or taking unnecessary risks. Babymoon is not that type of vacation. Stay healthy, stay safe

Above all, you should set your expectation right. Baby-moon should be about your mental and physical health, discussing future plans, spending time together.

It doesn’t have to be splendid, extravegent or something that will blow your mind away. Keep it very low key to get most out of it.

First Babymoon in Cornwall

What is Babymoon and why do I want to go on one ?

That is all that I have for now. 

Please share your babymoon tips in the comments below. 

With Love


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